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Children are not vessels to be filled but lamps to be lit.
- Swami Chinmayananda


April 26th and May 3rd - Kindergarten (Friday)

Hariom Parents,

Please find below the details of the class on April 26th

1. We started with chanting 3 Om's followed by prayers "Sahana Vavatu" followed by "Ekadantam Mahakayam" and "Gurur Brahma Gurus Vishnu".

2.  Bhajan : Practice for our performance.
a. My God is so great so strong  and so mighty

b. Come here my dear Krishna Kanhaiya 

c. What you see and What you feel

3. Next we went around the room Recaping our BalVihar alphabets from last 2 weeks "A For Aspiration" and "B For Brotherhood", "C for Cleanliness",."D for Daddy', "E for Enthusiasm", "F for friendship", "G for God', "H for Happy", I for "Intellect", J for "Japa", K for "Kindness",  L for Love, M for Mother, N for Nobility, O for Obedience, R for Right (we will do P and Q once we are done with Z) , S for Smile, T for Truth.

4. Lesson of the day : V for Victory
a. Activity : Played lemon and spoon race. Asked the kids who the winner was. As the kids pointed to the kid who finished the race first we declared everyone was the winner. Explained all of them  kept the focus and even if the lemom fell they kept going back to start followed rules and finally finished the race so everyone is a winner.
b. Story about Victory
Harishchandra was a king who always kept his promise. Once in his dreams he promised Rishi that he would give him whatever he asked. The Rishi came to his palace the next day and asked for his kingdom and also gurudakshina. Though Harishchandra had only promised in his dreams he still kept his promise. He gave his kingdom sold himself and paid the gurudakshina. His son who was working for someone else went to garden to get flowers and was bit by a snake and feel terribly sick. Harishchandra was working in a doctors office and then his wife one day with his son but she did not have money to pay for her sons treatment. Harishchandra first could not recognize his wife but later he did but still insisted on doctors fees as that was his job. Then his wife gave everything she had keeping nothing with her then the gods appeared and his kingdom his sons health and everything was given back to him.
Moral of the story : It does not matter what hardships you face but if you keep working on it you would definitely be a victorious.

May 3rd

1. We started with chanting 3 Om's followed by prayers "Sahana Vavatu" followed by "Ekadantam Mahakayam" and "Gurur Brahma Gurus Vishnu".

2.  Bhajan : Practice for our performance.
a. My God is so great so strong  and so mighty

b. Come here my dear Krishna Kanhaiya 

c.What you see and What you feel

3. Next we went around the room Recaping our Bal Vihar alphabets from last 2 weeks "A For Aspiration" and "B For Brotherhood", "C for Cleanliness",."D for Daddy', "E for Enthusiasm", "F for friendship", "G for God', "H for Happy", I for "Intellect", J for "Japa", K for "Kindness",  L for Love, M for Mother, N for Nobility, O for Obedience, R for Right (we will do P and Q once we are done with Z) , S for Smile, T for Truth, U for Unity, V for Victory.

4. Lesson for the day. W for Work.
a. Ant and Grasshopper story : Ant and grasshopper were friends. Ant worked all summer gathering food and building its home a part of the cave. Grasshopper enjoyed the weather played and enjoyed all the time. Once it was fall grasshopper still did not realize and kept playing though ant kept saying it is important to work. finally it was winter and grasshopper had nothing to eat and was very cold and shivering. The ant was so comfortable in his small little home with enough food to eat. Initially grasshopper found it difficult to talk to his friend. But finally he went to his friend the ant who welcomed him into his home and gave him food and shelter.

Moral : Work when you have to work and work hard so you can relax and enjoy later when you cannot work anymore.

5. We played hot potatoes singing our favorite bhajan khate bhi ram kaho, pite bhi ram kaho…

This week was Guru Purnima puja at the ashram so we had a short class. 

Parents please make sure all the kids attend  June 8th for our Annual day.

Our performance is scheduled same day as spring break attendance was poor. So please keep the little one practice the bhajans at home.

Thanks for your help.
Meena and Pavithra