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Children are not vessels to be filled but lamps to be lit.
- Swami Chinmayananda


May 17, 2019 - Grade 9 (Friday)

Hari OM! Parents,

We started our class by chanting the beginning prayers followed by:
Bhadram Karne Bhih…

For this week our curriculum was based on the recap of last week’s lesson on Vanaprastha, as many children were absent for the class
Discussed the last Ashrama which is Sanyasa
Discussed the following from the Bhagavad Gita
A Sanyasi is defined more by his internal mental condition than the external condition
A Sanyasi is one who has transcended the inner instruments of the mind and intellect
A Sanyasi has given up all desire prompted actions
He has renounced his little home and has embraced the whole world as his own
He is fearless and free from all likes and dislikes

Gave example of our Pujya Gurudev an our own Pujya Swamiji. We are here in this blessed ashram because of their vision
Discussed the Apple tree wisdom, by practicing which we can embrace the whole world as our family.
Discussed the last Samskara which is Antyeshthi.
Discussed when the body dies, the individual in the body travels to another body to exhaust all remaining Vasanas.
Did a recap of all the 16 Samskaras based on our Vedas classified under the various Ashramas, we have been discussing throughout the year.
We have been talking about mediation in our classes So for this week we requested Shri Rajanji our yoga teacher to help us understand and practice mediation. He spoke about meditation and took the children through a guided meditation based on the Vijnana Bhairava Tantra of Lord Shiva

We have given the children some topics which we discussed in class. For the last class on May 31st the children will be talking on their topic. They have to talk for 3 minutes. Looking forward to listening to them.

Nirmala and Purnima