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Children are not vessels to be filled but lamps to be lit.
- Swami Chinmayananda


May 5, 2019 - Grade 6 (Sunday PM)

Hari Om Everyone,

In yesterday's class, we rehearsed Gurudeva Tava and Jana Gana Mana for the play this Friday. Please continue to rehearse these with your children. Additionally, we started to practice lip syncing to the recordings at the end of class. Make sure that your children have memorized their lines before this Friday. I will send the recordings on Whatsapp so that everyone can practice lip syncing to their lines. 

The play is this Friday, May 10. Everyone must arrive FULLY DRESSED to the ashram at 6:00 in order for us to start our rehearsals. We will see you all then. 

Gurudev Jayanti is this Wednesday, May 8th, from 6:30-9:00pm at the ashram. We encourage you all to come and help us celebrate Pujya Swami Chinmayanandaji's 103rd birthday!

Our annual Vrindavan Mela is scheduled for June 8th, 10 AM-7PM, followed by off-season Garba!! 
An entire day full of activities, games, arts and crafts, performances and contests for both kids and adults! Plus to satisfy our appetite - tasty, yummy Indian food!

Thejasvi & Shasi